Forbes calls Indy America's most underrated city
A great article in Forbes Magazine, "6 Great Reasons to Visit America's Most Underrated City Right Now." The reporter poses the question: "It’s a city with an exploding culinary scene that is easy to get to, about as cheap as any urban destination in America, with lots of worthwhile attractions and a litany of special and Bucket List events, full of new hotels and outdoor activities, and every time I come back wondering, why don’t you hear more about Indy? Why doesn’t it get more press?"
My theory: first, there's that whole Hoosier humility thing. Secondly, we keep apologizing about what we don't have. So we don't have mountains or an ocean. We have a fantastic airport that can get us to one in about two hours. We need to stop apologizing and start bragging more about what we do have, and I agree with the Forbes writer, Larry Olmsted, we have a lot going on.